12 Falcon St. Selmer, TN 38375
Our staff have the privilege of serving the McNairy County Sheriff's Department, the Selmer Police Department, and Adamsville Police Department. A combined total of 42 officers.
McNairy County Emergency Communications Services
The McNairy County Emergency Communications Center is committed to providing the safest possible environment for the citizens of McNairy County. Our values and goals drive our ambitious staff to promote peace, strengthen the community, and enhance the quality of life. Through our partnership with the community, we embrace the community's involvement with public safety. We will put forth our best effort to maintain the highest standards of integrity, service to the community, and professionalism. We are committed to you and your family and to making our community a safer place to live.
Adamsville Fire Dept.
Beauty Hill Fire Dept.
Bethel Springs Fire Dept.
Big Hill Pond Fire Dept.
Byrd Locke Fire Dept.
Chewalla Fire Dept.
Eastview Fire Dept.
Finger Fire Dept.
Guys Fire Dept.
Lawton Fire Dept.
Leapwood Fire Dept.
McNairy Fire Dept.
Michie Fire Dept.
Milledgeville Fire Dept.
Pleasant Site Fire Dept.
Ramer Fire Dept.
Rose Creek Fire Dept.
Selmer Fire Dept.
Stantonville Fire Dept.
Sulphur Springs Fire Dept.
Wolfpen Fire Dept.
911 Public Safety Awareness
Calls about missing and sexually exploited children can become high-profile events that have a devastating impact on the victim family, your community, and your call center.
That is why every 9-1-1 call involving a missing and/or sexually exploited child must be handled according to best practices. Every 9-1-1 call center must have in place policies and training to help ensure every missing and sexually exploited child is given the best chance to be found alive and unharmed.
To promote the adoption of these best practices, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children has created the 9-1-1 Call Center Partner Program. Compliance shows a 9-1-1 call center has incorporated the best practices in its policies and training and made a commitment to follow these best practices
Certified Partner of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children 9-1-1 Call Center Partner Program
McNairy County 911 provides public safety awareness by educating K-3 throughout the McNairy County School System. Cell phone Sally is the official spokes person for McNairy County 911.